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Moving Arts is recognized as a captivating summer dance company employing performing artists and presenting their work in residence

To enrich the dance culture by providing cutting edge performances and educational resources during the summer





Moving Arts originated in Kansas City, under the name of the Kansas City Dance Festival in 2013. It was founded by Anthony Krutzkamp, Logan Pachciarz, and Jill Marlow Krutzkamp. This powerhouse of a team felt the need to employ performing artists in the summer months, a time during the year when dance performance is typically null. Anthony and Logan worked tirelessly to hire innovative choreographers, challenging the minds and souls of both the artists and the community. In turn, KCDF expanded the dance culture and scene in Kansas City, forming a reputation as an event not to miss. It did not take long for Kansas City Dance Festival to get on the national and international map for great dance.  Pointe Magazine featured Kansas City Dance Festival not once but twice in their summer issues. Dancers and choreographers from around the world sought employment opportunities with our summer dance residency.



KCDF continued to grow each year by offering educational resources such as master classes, dance forums/open rehearsals, and intimate black box performances leading up to the main event. This allowed the opportunity to dive in and become more involved in the dance community. In 2015, The  Kansas City Star wrote:


The festival, now in its third year, is more of an artist residency than a full-blown festival, but quality over quantity is appreciated. The enthusiastic audience was certainly engaged.”

-The Kansas City Star


KCDF is excited to continue their expansion by bringing the cutting edge performance created in Kansas City to different residencies.  In 2017, KCDF expanded their co-artistic team. Cervilio Amador, Ballet Master and past Principal Dancer with Cincinnati Ballet, joined forces with Anthony and Logan. With the main goal to build Cincinnati’s trust, commitment, and donor support at the forefront, it enabled KCDF to tour the performance to Cincinnati under the name of Moving Arts Cincinnati. This idea worked and it came to full fruition when we knocked the socks off the lively Kansas City and Cincinnati audiences.  We couldn’t think of a better name to now call us- Moving Arts.


We are so thankful to all of our volunteers, artists, choreographers, production staff, and financial supporters that have dedicated themselves to this festival. We could not have done this without you. We hope that with your continued support, we can continue to grow far into the future.


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Mailing Address: 4220 Mercier St. Kansas City, MO 64111


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Owen Cox Dance Group is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and is our proud fiscal sponsor. Please make your check payable to Owen Cox Dance Group with Moving Arts written in the memo. 

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